28. huhtikuuta 2012

Vappua odotellessa

Wuhuu, vappuun ei ole enää kovin montaa päivää jäljellä! Oikeastaan minulle iski pieni vaatekriisi, koska vappuna olisi kuitenkin kiva pukeutua jotenkin pirteästi, mutta tämäkin on nyt ratkaistu!

Sopivaa hametta ei meinannut löytyä, mutta onneksi vaatekaapin kätköistä löytyi vanha, mutta sitäkin rakkaampi kesähame. Kukkasien ostamista emmin jonkisen aikaa, mutta olen ihan tyytyväinen niihin~ Tarvitsisin muutenkin uusia hiuskoristeita, vaikka omistankin niitä melkoisen paljon, mutta osa on sellaisia, joita ei tule enää käytettyä juuri ollenkaan.

Maanantaina menen kuvaan kuviksesta vapputorille, mistä olen melkoisen innostunut. Sinänsä harmi, että osa kouluista pitää maanantain vapaana, mutta onneksi oma maanantaini ei ole mitenkään raskas, että se pilaisi sitten vappuaaton tunnelmia. Osa kavereista puhui laittavansa jotain hauskaa maanantaina, mutta saa nähdä, mikä on todellinen lopputulos...~

Eilinen meni lähinnä reenaamiseen. Tuli reenattua jopa niin paljon, että mennessäni nukkumaan en ajatellut oikeastaan mitään muuta kuin miten meidän muodostelman kuuluisi mennä :'D Tulipahan samalla nähtyä unta siitä, ettei vappuna sittenkään paista D: Toivottavasti ei kuitenkaan näin käy!

Viime aikoina olen myös innostunut piirtämään vanhoille hahmoilleni ihan uudenlaisen ulkonäön. Vielä löytyy monia, jotka kaipaisivat kipeästi täydellisen muodonmuutoksen, koska naperona tuli suunniteltua melko mauttomankin näköisiä ukkoja... Heh. Mutta tuossa yksi vanhimmista hahmoistani, Ronalee. Alunperin taisin luoda hänet OC:ksi Fullmetal Alchemistiin, mutta ajan saatossa olen kaavaillut hänelle ihan toisenlaisen tarkoituksen. Luonnos on vielä kesken.

Mutta hyvää vappua vaan kaikille! Syökää paljon munkkeja, sekä juokaa simaa!

24. huhtikuuta 2012

Testing my camera

I had on Sunday brunch and all what I can say that day the food tasted delicious! I can't remember that place's name but I'll tell you it if it comes back on my mind.

Yesterday was typical Monday on school. I was tired, again, and we had something... disgusting school meat, again. Also I practised to use my camera at art lesson and took some photos. Actually I tried what kind of affect does white balance have if I change it.

Also today was typical school day but we had pea soup for dinner. I have always hated it so I didn't eat it but two crisp bread and berry curd (which was our dessert) helped me survive. After school I decide to take more photos for my next task which deadline is tomorrow.

Btw I made sketches section! I'll put there all the best sketches what I have drew, enjoy!

Liebster Blog Award

I got this from HajaMiel, thanks~

This awards idea is to get attention to wonderful blogs that have less that 200 followers.

The rules are as follows:

1. Thank and link to the one who gave this to you.
2. Choose five of your favorite blogs with less than 200 followers and tell them about it at their blogs.
3. Copy and paste the award picture.
4. Hope that the ones you awarded will give the award forwards.

Black Holes
State of Mind
Psychotic Saliva

All of them are awesome!

19. huhtikuuta 2012


Olin tänään kavereiden kanssa syömässä Marusekissa, koska olimme jo pitkään himoinneet parin kanssa kyseisen paikan parfait-annosta. Lisäksi itselläni oli kamala sushi-nälkä, joten pakkohan sinne oli mennä. Eräs tarjoilija kehui hamettani, vaikken ollut mitenkään ihmeellisemmin pukeutunut :'D Tosin tyylini on viimeaikoina muuttunut tosi paljon koulutyttömäiseksi... Odotan vain innolla, että lumet sulaisi ja voisin mennä juoksentelemaan ulos lolit päällä ilman ylimääräisiä päällystakkeja!

    I went with my friends to Maruseki because we had desired for long time that place's parfait portion. Also I had a horrible sushi-hungry so of course we had to go there. One waitress praised my skirt even thought I really wasn't dressed fancy :'D Lately my style has changed a lot looking more school girl... But I'm waiting eagerly that snow will melt and I could go outside to run wearing lolitas without any special coats!

Suklaa inkivääri parfait oli ihan hyvää, hivenen kuiva kaakaojauheen, suklaakastikkeen ja keksinmurujen takia, mutten valita!

    Choco ginger parfait was fine, mayby too parchep because cocoa powder, chocolate sauce and crushed cookies, but I don't complain!

Jos jotain luonnosvihkon antimista pitäisi näyttää, niin sain tällaisen piirrettyä eilen. Ajattelin jossain vaiheessa julkaista koko luonnosvihon sisällön tai toisinsanottuna näyttää parhaimmat tekeleet sieltä. Mitä sanotte, pitäisikö minun jatkossakin julkaista jokaisen loppuun kulutetun luonnosvihon parhaimmat työt? Deviantartissa olisi tietenkin se ominaisuus, että luonnokset voisi lähettää "scrapbookkiin", mutten kuitenkaan koe sitä kovin mielekkääksi. Kommenttia puolesta ja vastaan, kiitos!

    If I should show something inside my sketchbook, well I made that yesterday. I have thought should I publish all drawings inside my sketchbook here, or I mean the best ones? Of course Deviantart has that "scrapbook" feature but I don't like that so much. Comments about that, please!

14. huhtikuuta 2012

Got tagged

Cremelice tagged me, thanks~


1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create eleven questions for the people you tag to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs
6. You legitimately have to tag

Eleven facts about myself

- I'm chocoholic
- I hate salmiakki (salty liquorice) but nowadays I can say some salmiakkis aren't that bad than others.
- Octopusses and rays are disgusting! Somebodies say that I scare them but I believe it's just strong disgust.
- I prefer skirts than jeans. Actually I wear skirts everyday!
- I hate cheese. I have hated it since I was child.
- Hair and sometimes clothes are something I like the most to draw.
- I can't snap my fingers.
- I have been allergic to chocolate, strawberries and oranges.
- I don't like sour candies.
- I was dissapointed when I didn't get the letter from Hogwarts. I'm still waiting! XD
- Cats are cute :3

Eleven questions

1. If you were forced to change the color of your hair, what color would you change it to?
- I have now dark brown hair (sometimes it looks it's dark red) so mayby light brown or black OR red color would be nice. I have planned I'll color my hair next time lighter.

2. What's your favorite movie and why?
- I have many favorite movies but the most I like The Lord of the Rings - the Two Towers. I can't explain why I still like it so much but mayby it's just those ents :3

3. Who is your biggest idol?

- Maya! LM.c is my favorite band but also I mention Kanon Wakeshima. Because her lolita really became inspire me, I think.

4. What's your current background/wallpaper on computer?

5. What is your favorite type of shoes?

- Mayby something like that

6. What do you want to do in the future?
- Design clothes or become history teacher

7. Good looking clothes or good music? (don't say both!)

8. If you could paint the world with 3 colors, which colors would you pick?
- Black, white and red.

9. Zombies are attacking - run, hide or fight?
- RUUUUN! Because there's no places where I can hide and fighting is useless :'D

10. Books or movies?
- Hmmm... I say books. They are always better even thought I like both

11. What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?
- This is hard... I liked Pokemon, Digimon, Moomins, Sailor Moon, Winx Club and many other but it's hard to say which one was the best. Mayby pokemon?

My eleven questions

1. Have you been abroads? If you have, where did you travel first?
2. Your favorite cloth?
3. If you won in the lottery how you would spent your money?
4. If everything else will disappear in this world and you have chance to choose two things which will stay, what they would be?
5. Your favorite dessert?
6. What are you listening now? If you're not listening anything what would you want to listen?
7. What avatar do you use in your messenger/chat?
8. Your favorite plushie?
9. Which language sounds the most beautiful? Why?
10. If some day somehow your gender change how do you look like?
11. There's always something what would be better. If you get a chance what would you change?

And I'll tag these guys:

Von Toten Auferstanden

I'm sorry, there's some blogs what I would wanted to tag but their blog's url doesn't work and I don't know why it's like that so... but well! Feel free to do this~

11. huhtikuuta 2012

Easter Photoshoot

Pääsiäinen tuli ja meni, ja nyt on tullut syötyä tarpeeksi lammasta, sekä suklaamunia.

    Easter is now over and I have eated enough sheep and chocolate eggs.

Menin sunnuntaina Cremelicelle yöksi, koska tarkoituksena oli mennä maanantaina vähän ottamaan kuvia. Aluksi iski paniikki, koska suurin osa kaupoista oli sunnuntain ja maanantain ajan kiinni, mutta ABC pelasti meidät loppujen lopuksi. Tosin jouduimme jonottamaan melko kauan kassalle, mutta pikku vikoja.

    I went to Cremelice overnight because we had planned that we go on Monday to photoshoot. At first I paniced because most of shops were closed on Sunday and Monday but ABC saved us in the end. We actually had to stand in queue some time but whatever.

Kävimme myös makuunissa vuokraamassa muutaman leffan yötä varten, ja mukaan lähtivät muumeja ja Hamtaro-leffa. Ihmiset, älkää katsoko jälkimmäistä KOSKAAN, ääninäyttelijät raiskasivat lapsuuteni muistot T^T se oli dubattu uusimmilla ääninäyttelijöillä...

    We went to makuuni to rent some movie for the night and we got Moomins and Hamtaro-movie. Guys, don't ever watch Hamtaro-movie because voice actors raped my childhood memories T^T it were dubbed with the newest voice actors...

Menimme kuvaamaan sitten maanantaina Aleksanterin kirkolle. Pyysin Cremeliceä laittamaan hiukseni, koska itse olen ihan tumpelo laittamaan niitä.

    And then we went to photoshoot to Aleksanteri's church. I asked Cremelice to style my hair because I suck with it.

My outfit:

Coat: Bodyline
Dress: Innocent World
Cardigan: H&M
Bag: Aleksi 13
Socks: Lindex

"Mjööö, olisin niin halunnu pääsiäiskirkkoon!"
"Mjöööö, I would wanted to go to Easter church!"

Kokeilimme ylivalottamista Jampan tyyliin, jotta ryppymme ei näkyisi niin pahasti kuvasta :'D

    We tried to overexposure like Jamppa do because we didn't want to show our wrinkles :'D

Jouduimme pian pelastautumaan lähimmäiseen Heseen, koska lumisade yllätti meidät ja hiuksemme. Ostin hesestä itselleni Dumlepehmyt-jätskin~ Lisäksi aikani kuluksi piirsin servettiin, kun luonnosvihko oli jäänyt kotiin. Söin vielä nuudeleita Cremelicellä ennen lähtöä kotiin.

    Soon we had to go nearest Hesburger because it started to snow. I bought Dumlepehmyt ice cream on Hesburger~ Also I killed my time by drawing on servet because I left my skech book home. I also ate noodels from Cremelice before I went to home.

Mystisesti olen alkanut kuuntelemaan Stereoponya lähes taukoamatta. Näin yhtyeen telkkarista ilmeisemmin sunnuntaina tai maanantaina ja ihastuin heihin ja nimeen. Tässä pari ehkäpä parhainta kappaletta heiltä:

    Somehow I have started listen to Stereopony a lot. I saw the band on TV on Sunday or Monday and loved it and its name on the first sight. There are some songs which are mayby the best from they:

5. huhtikuuta 2012

It's time for a holiday!

My last period is now over and today I had first day in new period. Of course it was little boring when it was just one day before the Easter holiday :/ I mean, it would had be better if we had just exam week before the holiday, not also one "normal" day. Oh well, I have to admit it's awesome have two more days free :3

But if I had to name some good works from last period, I would choose these two:

It was my very first time when I tried ink. Believe me, it will be my last time XD I spent so much time on that sea and spoiled too many times ink on table, on my work and on my friend's work. Hrrrr, I don't want to recall that moment. But also I haven't ever drew with caricature before. It was... well, little fun but I really was afraid of that it would look too much chibi-style. But I succeed and got 10 (=a perfect score) :3

Because today started the new period I was at the first time at photographing course. We didn't do anything special but refresh our memories about how use the camera. But it wasn't useless! I learned how to improve photo's quality and how is the best way to get photos on winter (when it's freezing). Also I get some photos:

After school I went to shopping mall (alias Koskari as we have a habit to call it) with my mom and brother and I got two pairs of shoes. Actually now I feel I don't need any new shoes for a while if we don't talk about rocking horses XD

I'm going to translate my past postings in english but it can take some time. Oh and the most! Happy Easter! Eat as much chocolate eggs as you can!