17. joulukuuta 2012

the 16th and 17th day of December

the 16th thing I want

I've wanted katamari to playstation 2 for some time but today I heard that namco has made katamari also to PS3 so I want that too~ I think katamari is cute and colorful, and I never get bored with it. I know it might sound weird to roll on a big ball over things but that's really fun!

the 17th thing I want

I wished a book, the Hobbit for a x-mas present because I got excited again to read fat books. Of course I want to see the movie too~

3 kommenttia:

  1. NANA-NANANANANA-NA-NA-NA, katamari damashii--
    NANA-NANANANANA-NA-NA-NA, katamari damashii--
    NANA-NANANANANA-NA-NA-NA, katamari damashii--
    NANA-NANANANANA-NA-NA-NA, katamari damashii-i-i-i-i--


  2. Aaaaa want want want! Need to play katamari again! *o*<3
    But The Hobbit is none of a fat book, i think :D

    1. Well perhaps not the fattest but got the point maybe~
